Targeted next generation sequencing is a complex procedure including the ‘wet bench’ and ‘dry bench’ parts. Both parts are composed of many steps for which optimal assay conditions and settings must be determined.

The aim of these guidelines is to provide generic, platform independent, recommendations for targeted next generation sequencing tests to detect acquired somatic mutations in DNA, in (haemato)-oncology that are complementary to the ISO 15189 norm (medical laboratories) in order to:

  1. facilitate the implementation of the required quality metrics for the detection of somatic variants by next generation sequencing in oncology and haemato-oncology in the Belgian laboratories,
  2. harmonise test validation and verification,
  3. harmonise clinical interpretation and reporting of variants and,
  4. assure and maintain optimal test performance by establishing procedures and modalities for internal quality control and external quality assessments.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2017;11(2):56–67)