Panniculitis in a patient with pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma

BJMO - volume 6, issue 4, september 2012

M. Peetermans , N. Struyf , E. Kruithof MD, PhD, V. Duwel , D. Verhoeven MD, PhD, Wim Demey MD

We describe the case of a 75 year old woman who was diagnosed with pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma after she presented with subcutaneous nodules on the lower legs compatible with panniculitis. This case illustrates the need for a thorough search for internal disease in case of panniculitis to diagnose potentially life-threatening illness in an early stage. (BELG J MED ONCOL 2012;6:124–128)

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Diagnosis and management of urogenital schistosomiasis in a young adult; a case report

BJMO - volume 6, issue 3, june 2012

G. De Win MD, T. Van den Broeck , B. Van Cleynenbreugel MD, PhD, F. Claus MD, PhD, E. Lerut MD, PhD

Schistosomiasis is rarely diagnosed in Western European countries. However, due to the popularity of exotic vacations, more and more western patients can get infected by schistosomiasis. Awareness of this disease is important, as an infection can lead to non-transitional cell bladder carcinoma in the long run (squamous cell carcinoma; SCC). In this article, we present a rare case of urogenital schistosomiasis in a 27-year old Belgian male. Extensive patient history together with eosinophil count and bladder biopsy, is the key to making the diagnosis. Medical treatment with praziquantel is often sufficient. (BELG J MED ONCOL 2012;6:97–101)

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Sarcoidosis in a metastatic melanoma patient treated with the CTLA-4 inhibitory monoclonal antibody ipilimumab

BJMO - volume 6, issue 2, april 2012

V. Morlion , S. Wilgenhof MD, E. Vanderlinden MD, S. Hanon , F. Vandenbroucke , H. Everaert , B. Neyns MD, PhD

A female patient with stage IV-M1c (lymph node and breast metastases), chemorefractory melanoma was treated with the CTLA-4 inhibitory monoclonal antibody ipilimumab. At first evaluation following induction treatment, a marked increase in the volume and strong uptake of 18FDG in her lymphadenopathies (including new adenopathies), a marked enlargement of her spleen and interstitial lung infiltrates were observed. Non-necrotising granulomas were discovered on transbronchial biopsy and cytology on broncho-alveolar lavage established the diagnosis of sarcoidosis. There was a marked clinical and 18FDG-PET/CT documented response following 6 weeks of corticotherapy. At later follow-up, progression of melanoma metastasis in the subdiaphragmatic lymph node metastases was documented. (BELG J MED ONCOL 2012;6:58–62)

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Sunitinib reduces physical activity (assessed with a pedometer) in a patient with metastatic kidney cancer: a case study

BJMO - volume 6, issue 1, february 2012

L. Pottel , H. Pottel , L. Viaene , M.A. Debels , P.R. Debruyne

This report describes the case of a patient with metastatic renal cell carcinoma that was treated with sunitinib (50 mg, 4/2 schedule). Daily blood pressure and physical activity were measured during 12 consecutive cycles of treatment. Average blood pressure recordings showed an upward trend during all the on-periods of sunitinib administration and a downward trend during all the 2-week off-periods. Interestingly, physical activity, assessed with a pedometer, demonstrated a highly significant opposite pattern. This case study demonstrates for the first time that physical activity can be temporarily reduced by sunitinib treatment and that a pedometer could serve as a valuable (mechanical) marker to assess this side effect of sunitinib treatment. Moreover, since its negative correlation with hypertension, it might also serve as a marker for sunitinib efficacy.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2012;6:22–25)

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