
Prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: Updated guidance from the BSMO supportive care task force

BJMO - volume 19, issue 1, january 2025

C. Fontaine MD, J. Collignon MD, P. Debruyne MD, PhD, L. Duck MD, E. Everaert MD, T. Feys MBA, MSc, C. Langenaeken MD, F. Lebrun MD, J. Mebis MD, E. Naert MD, P. Van Landuyt PharmD, S. Wuyts PharmD, C. van Marcke de Lummen MD, PhD, F. Vanryckeghem MD, V. Verschaeve MD, J. Klaskersky MD, PhD


Nausea and vomiting continue to be some of the more dreaded side effects of anticancer therapy. While advances in the prophylaxis of chemotherapy induced nausea vomiting (CINV), and guidance from international cancer societies have yielded important benefits for cancer patients, there remains an important need to further improve patient care. To address the need for a better CINV prophylaxis, and to respond to the introduction of new potentially emetogenic anticancer agents and the publication of new clinical trial data with anti-emetic agents, several international oncological societies have recently updated their guidelines for the prevention of CINV. The objective of this paper was to translate these new international recommendations to a Belgian context.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2025;19(1):15–26)

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Delirium in adult cancer patients: BSMO Guidelines

BJMO - volume 16, issue 4, june 2022

V. Verschaeve MD, I. Clement Corral MD, C. Dumont MD, P. Betomvuko MD, F. Cornélis MD, C. Fontaine MD, J. Klastersky MD


Delirium is frequent in cancer patients but often misdiagnosed. When severe, it causes distress not only for patients but also for families and professional caregivers. Physicians and nurses involved in the care of oncology patients should receive adequate training in the use of diagnostic tools for delirium. Identifying and reversing the underlying cause(s) of delirium are the best approaches because of the morbidity/mortality of delirium, although it is reversible most of the time. Prevention is also crucial, while pharmacological delirium management is generally not recommended in most cases. These first Belgian society of medical oncology (BSMO) guidelines aim to give a practical overview directly useful in practice.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2022;16(4):166–75)

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O.09 Geriatric assessment (GA)- guided interventions in older patients (pts) with cancer

BJMO - 2017, issue 3, february 2017

L. Decoster MD, PhD, C. Kenis RN, PhD, J. Flamaing , P.R. Debruyne , I. De Groof , C. Focan MD, PhD, F. Cornélis MD, V. Verschaeve MD, K. Vanoverbeke , Y. Libert , S. Luce , N. Nols , H. van den Bulck , J.C. Goeminne MD, K. Geboers , J.P. Lobelle , M. Lycke , K. Milisen PhD, H. Wildiers MD, PhD, A. Baitar

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