
Spinal dissemination of glial tumours: Two case reports and review of the literature

BJMO - volume 15, issue 7, november 2021

A. Balland MD, P-A. Poncelet MD, L. Renard MD, N. Whenham MD


Glioblastoma rarely metastasise outside the brain. Mechanisms of distant dissemination are unclear, therapeutic options limited and prognosis poor. Here we report two cases of glial tumour with a secondary spinal spread. During their follow-up, patients developed neurological symptoms suggestive of a medullary affection. Diagnosis was based on spine MRI with demonstration of intramedullary or leptomeningeal enhancing lesions. Disease rapidly developed with an unfavourable outcome, despite oncological and best supportive treatments. We present a review of the literature focused on spinal dissemination of primary intracranial glioblastoma. We analyse the pathogenesis and the genetic mutations which might be involved. Finally, we discuss symptoms and possible treatments.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2021;15(7):374-9)

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Low Grade Glioma: towards a personalised treatment

BJMO - volume 13, issue 6, october 2019

S. Dingenen MD, L. Renard MD, T.M. Lawson MD, N. Whenham MD


This review is designed to help the management of low grade glioma and is based on literature regarding molecular characterisation, surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and neurocognitive preservation.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2019;13(6): 213–218)

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Acute cerebral toxicity during concurrent anti-HER2 therapy and radiotherapy for breast cancer brain metastases

BJMO - volume 12, issue 1, february 2018

C. van Marcke MD, PhD, L. Renard MD, F.P. Duhoux MD, PhD


Patients with HER2-positive advanced breast cancer frequently develop brain metastases. Dual anti-HER2 therapy significantly prolongs survival in previously untreated metastatic disease. However, no safety data exist on the concurrent use of pertuzumab, trastuzumab and brain radiotherapy. We describe two cases of previously untreated HER2-positive breast cancer and brain metastases, who developed acute cerebral toxicity during the concomitant administration of anti-HER2 therapy and whole-brain radiotherapy. Systematic clinical data is warranted to prove the safety of this association.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2018;12(1):22–25)

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