
Testicular metastasectomy in prostate adenocarcinoma

BJMO - volume 15, issue 7, november 2021

X. Mortiers MD, H. Vandeursen MD, PhD, T. Adams MD, T. Van den Mooter MD


Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common cancer in men and the second leading cause of cancer death in men worldwide. Frequent metastatic sites of PCa are bone, lung, liver, pleura and adrenal gland. We hereby present a case of a 70-year old man with a history of prostate adenocarcinoma, treated with external beam radiotherapy, who consulted his urologist with a painful left hemiscrotum. An ultrasound showed a suspicious lesion in his left testis. Pathology of the orchidectomy specimen revealed a metastatic deposit of his prostate adenocarcinoma.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2021;15(7):380-2)

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Renal mass in a patient with invasive lobular adenocarcinoma

BJMO - volume 13, issue 4, june 2019

X. Mortiers MD, H. Vandeursen MD, PhD, T. Adams MD, T. Van den Mooter MD


Breast cancer often metastasises to bone, lymph nodes, liver and lung. In this case report, we present a 75-year-old woman with a suspicious mammography and ultrasound of the breast who had a synchronous painless renal lesion. On computed tomography, the renal mass was suspected of being a primary lesion of the renal pelvis, but anatomopathological examination of the nephro-ureterectomy specimen revealed that it was a metastatic deposit of invasive lobular adenocarcinoma of the breast.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2019;13(4):132–134)

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Robot-assisted radical prostatectomy, an update of the current evidence

BJMO - volume 11, issue 1, february 2017

T. Muilwijk MD, T. Adams MD, G. Witters MD, H. Vandeursen MD, PhD


Robot-assisted radical prostatectomy has become standard-of-care in most centres of excellence in the treatment of prostate cancer. Recent literature shows a reduced complication risk, reduced transfusion need, shorter hospitalisation and functional and oncological benefit in comparison with open radical prostatectomy. Long term follow-up data and large randomised clinical trails are currently lacking.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2017;11(1):4–6)

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