BJMO - volume 14, issue 2, march 2020
B. Delafontaine MD, C. De Backer MD, B. Beuselinck MD, PhD, P. Debruyne MD, PhD, L. D’Hondt MD, PhD, C. Gennigens MD, PhD, T. Gil MD, C. Vulsteke MD, PhD, N. Martínez Chanzá MD, A. Verbiest MD, PhD, M. Strijbos MD, PhD, G. Van Lancker MD, G. Pelgrims MD, S. Rottey MD, PhD, On behalf of the BSMO Uro-Oncology Task Force Group
The management of recurrent or metastatic renal cell carcinoma is evolving fast, with new therapeutic options becoming available that may improve the outcome of patients. In this paper, recent evolutions are discussed and recommendations are made regarding the management of renal cell carcinoma in a Belgian context.